Category: Assistive Technology

Everything Assistive Technology

August 17, 2023 0

AAC Modeling Tips!!

By Tammy Dupre

Presume Competency Model without expectation Focus on “KEY” words Don’t worry about grammar Pause/Wait Don’t just model NOUNS Embed modeling…

May 19, 2023 0

Summer Trainings

By Tammy Dupre

  Leap Connect: Connecting Curriculum to Best Practices Oftentimes students with severe to profound exceptionalities have limited opportunities to read,…

March 27, 2023 0

What’s New in AAC?

By Katie Sample

AAC News NEW AssistiveWare Apps! Proloquo and Proloquo Coach More motor planning, color orientation, subscription based and free companion app…

January 18, 2023 0

Tactile Symbols

By Nabiha Mujahid

Students who are blind and have limited or no communication or have multiple disabilities or are deaf lack the visual…